PoweredbyShakespeare project - The fracture : Romeo and Juliet

Why theatre? Why workshop?

A theatre workshop is involving participants in a special training to develop spontaneity, creativity, to reach the meeting concept of being together, to be capable to welcome the others and feel wellcome themselves in the most true and deep theatrical reality of them, as homini ludentis.

Theatre is chalenging people’s perception about the world and about themselves . Theatre developes comunication in a very practical aspect of it : people who participate in theatre workshops are less likely to have dificulties speaking in public, they will be more persuasive in their comunication and will have better pozitive and confident self image. They will learn to cooperate, to work in a team (our world is increasingly team-oriented) will develope tolerance and empathy and the understanding of the way human beings, from all over the world, interact.

İts well known that theatre representation, more than an estetic value has therapeutic values too. Physical exercises, suported by relaxation techniques as well as creative exercises cause the participants to free themselves of their emotional barriers. Taking part in the drama process gives the participants the ability to express their view of the world in an uninhibited way and in a non-competitive enviorement. Working with the body (its emotions and awareness) free even the most deeply rooted emotions. These emotions can be expressed on the stage in a fully controlled manner and they can be fully asimilated, being harmfull nomore, turning into a creative process.

SHAKESPEARE EXPLORER is created to introduce the intelectual element to all of this:

WWW. ROMEO&JULİET.ARA.COM brings in your attention fragments and theatrical situations from the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Stimuluses like live music ( a ney and an electric guitar), projected colours ,shapes, images and videos will energize the participants and give them a direction of approach. The workshop is structured mostly on games and creative exercises during 4 hours, confering a relaxed and joyfull atmosphere.

When the participants present an equal level of commitment they can fully, honestly, and openly take part in a mutual creation on the stage.

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